This is the second version of Little Mac, now with a better weapon!
Just like the previous Little Mac, it is built inside an old Mac Mini computer, complete with the original Apple top plate.
It uses brushed drive motors, a Fingertech beater bar set, and custom circuitry. The weapon and wheels are on dead shafts, made out of old printer rods. The base is HDPE. All 3D printed parts are PETG.
Initial test fits of parts
Hand cut and drilled
Freshly cut parts
More test fits with the cut parts
Weight check
Starting the drivetrain assembly with the 3D printed parts
3D printed PETG motor and power switch mount
Drivetrain block installed
Drivetrain and circuitry
Weapon motor and ESC on the side
Drivetrain, circuitry, and battery
Exactly 3 pounds!
The internals
Finished bot, ready for battle! Wheels are coated in liquid latex for traction.
Little Mac II and Little Mac
Bent up the arms of Yellow Buddy, and tore out the corner. I won this fight.